Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Welcome To This Dead Blog

Hello everyone. In case you didn't already guess, this blog is no longer active. I've given up blogging and stuck with YouTube, because while my channel seems to be doing all right, Animal Jammerz never really took off. For a very long time, I posted day after day without any comments or feedback. Maybe once a fortnight someone would drop by, but that was as good as it got.

It's a shame, because I loved writing. But Animal Jammerz is four years old and has no audience to show for it. And I can't keep going on my own anymore.

I've kept the extra pages up, because they seem to be useful to some people. The Adventures Guide page is the part of this blog I'm most proud of, although the idea was copied by the Animal Jam Sky Blog without any credit given, which is quite irritating. But that's not even running anymore. Blogs are just a dying breed as videos are taking over - but that's okay. Everything gets outdated eventually. 

I may post here once in a while, but probably just videos I've uploaded to YouTube. Goodbye Jammers, and thanks if you ever left a comment on one of my posts. They really made my day when they did come. ^.^


(All of my previous posts have been deleted due to high levels of cringiness.)